Automatic Inline Vacuum Packaging Machine

Country of Origin: Taiwan
Ships from: FOB Brampton
U/M: Each
Stock: On Order
CM: 8738
Note: Shipping to be determined

Automatic Inline Vacuum Packaging Machine

  • Automatic In Line Belt Type Vacuum Packaging Machine is made of stainless steel.
  • One man operation.
  • Automatic conveyor belt from loading area into sealing chamber to save more time.
  • This design of conveyor belt is easy to take off and change over. Hygienic design, easy to clean.
  • Based on different needs from various products, it can also be used with shrink tank, dip tank or air-drying equipment, etc.
  • Reduction in manual work.





Machine Dimensions

2541 x 1111 x 1889 mm

3303 x 1321 x 1889 mm

Chamber Dimensions

1050 x 860 x 260 mm

1350 x 1060 x 260 mm

Sealing Length

800 mm x 2

1100 mm x 2